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What is emotional resilience and how to develop it


An emotionally resilient person is aware of their thoughts, emotions, and inner capabilities. They think before they react. Patient, understanding and ready to adapt. Has a high level of acceptance and forgiveness. Focuses on finding solutions. Expresses emotions in a socially acceptable way. Does not hold back negative emotions, but expresses them adequately. Knows how to create and maintain long-term relationships. Does not hesitate to ask for help when it is most needed. Believes in resolving conflicts through negotiation. Emotional resilience can be developed with the right knowledge, motivation, and proper training. Whether you're dealing with a difficult situation at work or going through a difficult period in a personal relationship, with emotional resilience you will not only be able to cope effectively, but also protect yourself from emotional devastation. Under the influence of stressful factors, we lose emotional stability. We become more sensitive, vulnerable, and emotionally unbalanced. Sometimes even a small change in plans can lead us to a state of anxiety or panic. Resilient people can cope with any stressful situation without losing their positivity and confidence. They are more likely to learn from traumatic events rather than be affected by them.

        To find the perfect balance in life, we can follow a daily routine; write down our tasks for the day and act according to the plan; make a list of priorities and see what place our children, partners, work, parents, self-care and social life take in it. From time to time, engage in active communication with your partner to discuss life's difficulties and confront problems rather than avoid them.

Simple ways to build resilience

Be persistent; replace negative thoughts with positive ones; maintain a healthy lifestyle; socialize more often; relax and breathe; start meditating; practice deep breathing when you feel burned out; appreciate nature; find a hobby; spend time doing things you enjoy; invest in useful reading, such as self-help books on positive thinking; be grateful for the little things that make you smile; take some time for yourself.

Developing emotional resilience yields positive results. So let's promise to accept ourselves, forgive, express ourselves and work on "building ourselves out of the ups and downs of our own lives."

The range of emotions we experience is diverse. Whether they are positive or negative, it is normal to feel them all, because we are reacting to the situations we are in. When our psyche is emotionally resilient, it helps us to be aware of our emotions, not to hide them or replace them with others.

How to develop emotional resilience. Exercises.

Here are some exercises to help you develop emotional resilience in your daily life. Whether you are struggling with stress or not, these simple daily activities are useful tools to build your resilience.

Exercise 1: Resilience through the power of positivity. Take a few minutes to list any 5 thoughts that are currently bothering you. Write them down on a piece of paper or in the notebook of your electronic device. Next to the column where you listed the negative thoughts, try to replace the negative thoughts with positive ones.

Exercise 2: Resilience through gratitude. Gratitude is one of the most powerful emotions we can develop. When we learn to appreciate what we have, instead of complaining and emphasizing what we don't have or what we have lost, we will already become more resilient than before. We can keep a gratitude diary in which we write down everything we are grateful for, even during times of stress. Filling it out will remind us of all the good things in our lives.

Exercise 3: Alarm clock. Set an alarm to go off every hour or hour and a half. When it rings, pay attention to what state you are in, what is happening to you, what emotion you are experiencing, how your body feels. This makes it possible to realize your emotional state. And when you are aware of it, you know what you can do about it: reflect on your feelings or react in a certain way to a situation.

      You can develop emotional resilience on your own. But if you feel that you need additional support, consider contacting a psychologist or a qualified professional to help you develop emotional resilience.

      Remember: Sometimes it is important to get external support to achieve psychological well-being and emotional health.

(с) 2024

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