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Delayed life syndrome. How to deal with him

The war in Ukraine destroys, destroys and kills, and we freeze and stop living even without it - many of us catch the so-called "delayed life syndrome".

Delayed life syndrome is a state of a person waiting for a favorable time for a happy life, one of the forms of maladjustment in which a person feels dissatisfaction with life, its devaluation and postponement until a certain decisive moment (the disorder is mainly characteristic of people aged 20 to 40).

It manifests itself in statements and behavior that become life triggers:

"Is it possible to post happy selfies when there is a war - let's go after the victory"
"It is inappropriate to go to the cafe now, we will go after the victory"
"To do a wedding now is disrespectful to those who are at the front. Let's do it after victory."
A person suffering from "delayed life syndrome" has the confidence that a full-fledged life will begin only after a certain event, and everything that is happening now and around is not important. This event will be individual for each person. Now we have the main event that we are waiting for, which is victory. A special group that is characterized by this disorder is the military, our support and hope. The course is marked by greater difficulty than that of an average citizen. usually a group. At the front, there is also neglect of basic needs - food, health. Our defenders can choose to endure and seek medical attention only when the enemy leaves. In this way, to worsen your physical condition.

Psychologists advise the following methods of combating self-esteem.

Ask yourself:

  • What can I do right now to feel alive?
  • What can I please myself?
  • What have I been dreaming about for a long time, but I can't find time for it?
  • What do I like to do?


  • Realize yourself "here and now". What can you influence here and now, and what can you not?
  • Look at the answers to the question: "Who am I? What is my value system? Has anything changed in my life goals? What of what I want from life can be realized now?
  • Praise yourself for the smallest victories, this is very important now.
  • If you can't cope on your own, life has stopped or the skull is flying - do not hesitate to seek help from a psychologist. Each of us needs support now - that's normal.
  • How can I really help the families of front-line comrades who died or have financial, moral, social difficulties as a result of participating in hostilities?

(с) 2024

Doctor appointment