Україна єдина #UAРАЗОМ

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We recommend using the algorithms of the Ministry of Health for psychological assistance

Everything that is currently happening in our country is our common pain, which unites us and sets us up for good deeds, attention to our neighbor. Many people experience exhaustion and fatigue, anxiety and panic. Everyone can give them psychological first aid by knowing the five steps.
Algorithm for providing psychological first aid "Recognize -  Recognize - React - Deflect - Track".

Step one. "Recognize" Notice and recognize the signs of a disorder, approach the person, express concern, suggest a conversation. Choose a time and place where you will not be disturbed to have a conversation. Asking to talk when there are a lot of people around is not a good idea. Find a place where you will be alone, and only then have a dialogue.

Step two. "Acknowledge" Listen non-judgmentally, question, clarify.

At this stage, we accept the person's experience and show them our willingness to be close to them and listen. When she agrees to talk to you, ask her about her feelings, symptoms, and thoughts. Ask what the person feels and how long it lasts, what exactly he noticed behind himself and what he thinks about it.

She may blame herself for the disorder or inability to overcome this condition. At this stage, it is worth assuring her that mental disorders are the same diseases that require treatment and correction, and a person cannot be to blame for this.

Step three. "Respond" Offer support and assistance, provide information, encourage self-help and seeking additional support.

When we have asked, listened, clarified, established closer contact and trust, we offer help, introduce the necessary information, encourage self-help methods or requests for additional help. In these conditions, a feeling of hopelessness can be typical. Therefore, you should be ready for words like "nothing will help me".

Ask if she knows what is happening to her and if she would like to know more. If so, give her this information. Ask if she needs help from you, or if she would like some outside help, perhaps from professionals. Suggest self-help methods.

Step four. "Refer"  Suggest seeking professional help.

If the adverse condition lasts for more than two weeks, if it negatively affects daily life, if the person has difficulty functioning, there are problems at work and in communication with others, it is very important to direct the person to seek professional help.

Step five. "Follow up" Pay attention to the person's condition, find out if the person has consulted specialists and what the result was, provide additional support if necessary.

After we have provided help, support, recommended where to turn, we pay attention to the condition of the colleague, find out whether he/she has consulted a specialist, what was the result, or whether some additional support is needed.

According to the materials of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

(с) 2024

Doctor appointment