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How to control anger and prevent aggressive behavior

Everyone knows the feeling of rage and anger when you lose control and behave in a way that makes you regret your actions or words spoken in the heat of the moment. It is in such moments that we behave aggressively.

Aggression, aggressiveness (from the Latin aggressio - attack) is behavior aimed at causing physical or psychological harm, and anger is its harbinger, its root cause.

Aggression can be physical, when people hit each other, inflict any bodily harm, or intentionally damage things in a fit of rage. Aggression can also be verbal, when a person expresses their anger verbally: through insults, reproaches, accusations, swearing, threats.

Whatever the case, here are some simple techniques to help curb anger and prevent aggressive behavior.

Walk away

Sometimes the best way to stop feeling angry is to physically move away from the source of the irritation.  When you feel that someone's behavior or conversation makes you almost want to hit them, just walk away from them. It is better to get some fresh air. This will help you calm down.  You can explain: "We'll talk in 15 minutes."

Change your perspective

We often feel irritated when communicating with other people. When an opponent does not accept our point of view, stands his ground, and all arguments are over, we feel angry. In fact, we just feel weak and it irritates us. Look at the problem through the eyes of the other person. Forget about your arguments. This will help you understand why the conversation is based on confrontation. And maybe instead of an explosion of aggression, you will come to a mutual agreement.

Take a breath

Sometimes we can't just deal with anger. But we can take advantage of a pause. To do this, you need to take several slow, deep breaths. The exhalation should be twice as long as the inhalation.  Do this several times and you will feel the anger recede.

Speak openly

We all like to leave unpleasant conversations for later. And then negative emotions accumulate to explode later. Don't do this. Speak up when you need to.

Take up dumbbells

It has been proven that exercise can soften an angry mood. This is due to the fact that during physical training, the level of stress hormones in the blood decreases and the production of joy hormones is stimulated.

Change the "minus to plus"

Turn your anger into positive energy! After all, nature gave us this emotion for a reason. Rage gives you physical strength. When you feel that the level of aggression has reached a critical level, iron your laundry, sort out shelves with old things, and get creative.

Don't give in to provocations

You need to develop such a quality as balance. What words can make you angry? Think of calm and balanced responses to these irritating words. Every person who feels aggression should find a way to part with negative emotions.

What not to do during an outbreak of anger, aggression, and conflict

Raising your voice, using a threatening tone, shouting.
Demonstrate power ("It will be as I say"), unwavering insistence on your rightness.

Sarcasm, mockery, ridicule, and imitation.
Use of physical force.
Involve strangers in the conflict.
Use punishment or threats of punishment.
Use generalizations such as: "You're all the same", "You're just like always...", "You never...".

So, keep your cool and be happy!

(с) 2024

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