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Phantom pains in military personnel. Methods and tools for effective rehabilitation.

A patient who was injured while carrying out a combat mission, complained of anxiety and sleep disorders, pain in the area of the lost limb, turned to the psychological assistance department of the PD and PPV Center of the State Department "TMO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Kirovohrad Region". The patient noted that it is difficult for him to get rid of the feeling that the amputated leg hurts after the operation. And there is an itch that cannot be scratched. Such pains after limb amputation are called phantom pains. The patient was offered a psychodiagnostic examination and selection of an individual treatment plan for phantom pain. Individual because each person can react differently to different methods of treatment. Some treatments include physical therapy, drug therapy, occupational therapy, the use of prostheses or orthotics, psychological support, and other techniques for pain relief.
In medicine, the word "phantom" refers to the false sense of the presence of a missing body part. Most often, this applies to amputated limbs. After the loss of a body part, patients have the illusion of the presence of an amputated limb - a phantom limb. Unfortunately, phantom limb pain can occur very often. The patient describes phantom pain as tingling, shooting, throbbing, heartburn.
Phantom pains can also occur in a psychological context, when a person feels pain or discomfort in the absence of any physical

reasons This can occur as a result of psychosomatic reactions, when emotional or psychological stress affects physical well-being.
Here are some methods and techniques that can help manage phantom pains in a psychological context:
Relaxation and meditation. Relaxation practices such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and meditation can help reduce stress and improve pain perception.
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT is an effective method of treating physical symptoms associated with psychological factors. The therapist helps the person develop new beliefs and strategies that help reduce phantom pain.
Psychotherapy. Individual or group psychotherapy can be helpful in understanding the psychological factors that may influence the perception of pain. The therapist helps the patient develop stress management strategies and work with the emotional aspects of pain.
Hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy can be used to change the perception of pain and improve well-being. During hypnotherapy, a person enters a state of concentration and responds to the therapist's prompts, which helps to change the perception of pain.

Support and education. Understanding phantom pain and getting support from other people, such as psychologists, doctors, or support groups, can be an important part of pain management. Knowledge about phantom pain can help a person understand the phenomenon and develop effective management strategies.

It is important to note that each person is unique and the approach to treating phantom pain may vary. It is recommended to consult a psychologist or psychotherapist who can conduct an assessment and develop an individualized treatment plan.

(с) 2024

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